
I Miss You

During this time of the month, where i can say peak month for us accountants, a few days before beginning of the month it would be hellish. All those stressful workload, sleepless night, high volume of inquiries etc. But it is this time of the month that i am getting some kind of feelings. Feeling of missing someone dearly. Maybe its just me (mengada).

Truth is i am missing you so much, so much that i never thought i would miss you this much. BUT you will never know it, cause i won't ever told you. I am not good at expressing my feelings but you can see it through my actions.

I am really looking forward every weekend. It is more meaningful now than it was before. Thank you for coming into my life and making me happy and i do hope that i would bring the best in your life too.

"Ya Allah, sampaikanlah salam rinduku kepada Muhamad Syafiq Bin Nasurudin sehingga aku menjadi kerinduannya."

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